Sunday, February 24, 2008

Washington State Reps. Pass Ban On RFID Skimming

The Washington State House of Representatives on Friday passed a bill that would make it a felony to steal information from RFID cards.

More details in this article

Sunday, February 10, 2008

California Senate Approves Bill To Outlaw Skimming RFID Tags

According to an Information Week Article...

The California State Senate voted to make it a crime to skim information stored on RFID tags.

Simitian participated in a controlled experiment to demonstrate how skimming works.

"The problem is real," he said, while announcing passage of his bill. "The card I use to access the State Capitol was skimmed and cloned by a hacker in a split second. Minutes later, using that clone of my card, he was able to walk right into the Capitol through a 'secure' and locked entrance." Simitian said personal information on tags used for drivers' licenses and student IDs should be protected the same way other personal property is protected.

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