India's first e-passports in IT city...
Togolese immigration officials commend Ghana for introducing biometric passport...
Fingerprinting for new passports starts...
Release of biometric passports; requirements for acquiring special or service passports...
The identity and security market...
The New Canadian Biometric Passport...
Information About a Slovenia Citizen Passport...
UK government to roll out biometric passports..
Biometric passports to become cheaper...
The E-Passport Revolution: The Next Generation Of Travel Security...
Dormaa residents educated on biometric passport...
The security chip in that fancy new U.S. Passport? It?s made in Thailand...
Cabinet approves passport project to serve 1,800 citizens abroad...
Issuance Of Biometric Passports Soon...
Quickie: Biometric bureaucracy swaps sanity for safety in Turkey...
Government plans new biometric passport rollout...
Italians Could Apply For New Biometric Passports By End of June 2010...
Azerbaijani citizens to receive biometric passports by 2012...
Biometric passport number 2.000.000...
- the Best Brand of All...
U.K.: Dismantling the Surveillance State?
IT: New biometric passport to be available nationwide by end of June 2010...
Biometric Passport ? Canada E-Passport a Privacy Concern...
Britain's First Biometric Passports Issued Today...
Two million biometric passports delivered in Serbia...
Turkey To Introduce Biometric Passports June 1...
Biometric Passports | Today's Reality of 666...
E-Passport a Privacy Concern...
Two-millionth biometric passport issued in Serbia...
Turkish president first owner of biometric passport...
Two million biometric passports delivered in Serbia...
Schiphol airport starts trials of self-scan passport control...
New Generation - Biometric Passport...
Second generation of biometric passports launched...
Ad me Up before you gogo...
Visa-free travel for Albania and Bosnia...